I want to tell a story about a society where the checks and balances that control destructive powers are powerful enough to stop lies in their tracks. then reverse pain that mistakes cause.
The level of hard work that has to go into holding together the pieces of a system that is being actively attacked from within, that level of hard work is met by resources, large amounts of resources provided by huge chunks of the society. because everyone is educated in how the system that holds together the accountability of their society is a million individual pieces working together to fight a significantly smaller number of destructive actors.
Basically the reverse of what we are living in. I am in a very privileged version of whatever while hoping that society is not about to unravel. In the last month, lawyers have lied about people I know. Not my children, but children I know, have been stripped from safety and worse. And there was nothing that I could do to stop it. And, eventually, it was clear that this is just part of society. Everyone who understands that it exists just lets it happen because no one WANTS to be targeted by the humans who are so depraved as to see children as products. Everyone for themselves and you are privileged if family circles around you. So circle the wagons.
In a world where lawyers actually can't lie because the truth is known. No one invests in deception unless they are totally for destruction. I think that's true even now in some ways. Ideals and idols are basically the same. And really everyone is so drowning in doing their best that its easier to pretend the destruction won't get you. And then there are cracks for the ones that it gets.
My biggest miscalculation in life is based on not understanding the ability of men to mask. Making assumptions instead of asking questions- this sabotages but is also an essential piece of surviving human relationships. My best can't comprehend all parts of life's puzzle and I must have grace for myself in that. I must because I have eliminated investment in any other opinion except for that of my own. and in my own opinion of my life is that it has the best and most privileged pieces intact.
I'm getting my body back. I believe in my health and the ability for my body to survive the enemies which have worked to destroy it since I was born. I have put the pieces of my chronic illness together over the last half of 40 years. I have worked through too many adverse experiences. Ive been praying gratitude for the signs that I am on the healed side.